Linking Words (Connecting Words)

Linking Words (Connecting Words)

Linking words (also known as transition words or connectors) help improve the flow of writing by connecting ideas between sentences and within paragraphs. They are crucial for creating clear and logical relationships in your PTE writing and speaking responses. Below are detailed explanations of the most common linking words, divided into categories by their function.




1. Cause and Effect Connectors

These linking words demonstrate how one event or situation causes another.

      • Common Words: Therefore, Thus, As a result, Consequently, Hence

      • Sentence Structure:
        • [Cause sentence]. Connector, [Effect sentence].


          • The road was icy. As a result, we had to drive very slowly.

          • It was raining heavily. Therefore, the game was postponed.

        2. Contrast Connectors

        Used to show a difference, contradiction, or opposition between two ideas or statements.

            • Common Words: However, On the other hand, Nevertheless, Yet, Although, Though, Despite, In contrast, On the contrary, Conversely

            • Sentence Structure:
                  • Although/Though/Despite/In spite of + Clause1, Clause2.

                  • Sentence1. Connector, Sentence2.


                • Although she studied hard, she didn’t pass the exam.

                • He was tired. Nevertheless, he kept working.

              3. Addition Connectors

              These words add more information to what was already stated.

                  • Common Words: Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, Additionally, Also

                  • Sentence Structure:
                        • Sentence1. Connector, Sentence2.


                      • The project is difficult. In addition, we don’t have enough time to finish it.

                      • She is an excellent student. Moreover, she is very kind.

                    4. Exemplification/Clarification Connectors

                    These connectors clarify or give examples to support a point.

                        • Common Words: For example, For instance, In other words, That is to say

                        • Sentence Structure:
                              • Sentence1. Connector, Sentence2.


                            • He loves outdoor activities. For example, he often goes hiking.

                            • She didn’t understand the concept. In other words, she needed more help.

                          5. Comparison Connectors

                          These connectors show similarity between two ideas or events.

                              • Common Words: Similarly, Likewise, In the same way, Equally

                              • Sentence Structure:
                                    • Sentence1. Connector, Sentence2.


                                  • The economy is improving. Similarly, employment rates are rising.

                                  • She enjoys reading. Likewise, her sister loves books.

                                6. Emphasis Connectors

                                These linking words emphasize or highlight a point.

                                    • Common Words: Indeed, In fact, Certainly, Above all, Undoubtedly

                                    • Sentence Structure:
                                          • Sentence1. Connector, Sentence2.


                                        • The situation is critical. Indeed, it could worsen if we don’t act now.

                                        • She is very talented. In fact, she has won multiple awards.

                                      7. Condition Connectors

                                      These connectors introduce a condition or hypothetical situation.

                                          • Common Words: If, Unless, As long as, Provided that

                                          • Sentence Structure:
                                                • If + Condition, Result.

                                                • Condition + Result.


                                              • If it rains tomorrow, we’ll cancel the trip.

                                              • As long as you complete your work, you can take a break.

                                            8. Sequence and Time Connectors

                                            These words show the sequence of events or the timing of actions.

                                                • Common Words: First, Then, Next, After that, Finally, Meanwhile, Subsequently

                                                • Sentence Structure:
                                                      • Connector, sentence.


                                                    • First, clean the room. Then, we can discuss the plans.

                                                    • She left the room. Meanwhile, he waited for the call.

                                                  9. Concession Connectors

                                                  These connectors acknowledge a point that contrasts with the main idea but doesn’t negate it.

                                                      • Common Words: Even though, Although, Though, Despite, In spite of

                                                      • Sentence Structure:
                                                            • Connector + Clause1, Clause2.

                                                            • Despite/In spite of + noun/gerund, Clause2.


                                                          • Even though it was raining, they continued the game.

                                                          • Despite his efforts, he couldn’t pass the exam.

                                                        Quick Reference Table

                                                        Cause and EffectTherefore, Thus, Consequently, Hence, As a resultIt was raining. Therefore, the match was canceled.
                                                        ContrastHowever, Although, On the contrary, Nevertheless, YetShe was tired. However, she kept working.
                                                        AdditionMoreover, Furthermore, In addition, Also, AdditionallyWe have no money. Moreover, we have no time.
                                                        ExemplificationFor example, For instance, In other words, That is to sayHe is very skilled. For example, he can play three instruments.
                                                        ComparisonSimilarly, Likewise, Equally, In the same wayThey love music. Similarly, their children are also musically gifted.
                                                        EmphasisIndeed, In fact, Certainly, Above all, UndoubtedlyThe movie was fantastic. In fact, it’s my favorite.
                                                        ConditionIf, Unless, As long as, Provided thatIf you study hard, you will pass the exam.
                                                        Sequence/TimeFirst, Then, Next, Meanwhile, Finally, SubsequentlyFirst, clean the room. Then, we can discuss the plans.
                                                        ConcessionEven though, Although, Despite, In spite ofDespite the bad weather, the event continued.

                                                        Summary (Based on Sentence Structures)

                                                        1. Structure: Sentence1. Connector, Sentence2.

                                                            • Purpose: Used to connect supporting ideas or contrast ideas.

                                                            • Connectors for supporting ideas: Therefore, Thus, Consequently, As a result, Moreover, Furthermore, Additionally, In addition, Similarly, Likewise, Indeed, In fact

                                                            • Connectors for contrasting ideas: However, Nevertheless, Conversely, On the other hand, On the contrary, In contrast

                                                          2. Structure: Connector, Sentence.

                                                              • Purpose: Used to introduce a point, add examples, or emphasize a statement.

                                                              • Connectors for examples: For example, For instance, In other words

                                                              • Connectors for emphasis: Indeed, In fact, Above all, Undoubtedly

                                                            3. Structure: Although/Though/Despite/In spite of + Clause1, Clause2.

                                                                • Purpose: Used to acknowledge a contrast or concession.

                                                                • Connectors: Although, Though, Despite, In spite of, while 

                                                              4. Structure: If + Condition, Result.

                                                                  • Purpose: Used to introduce a condition or hypothetical situation.

                                                                  • Connectors: If, Unless, As long as, Provided that

                                                                5. Structure: Connector, sentence.

                                                                    • Purpose: Used for sequencing or indicating time.

                                                                    • Connectors: First, Then, Next, After that, Finally, Meanwhile, Subsequently
